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Homeless Children and Youth

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Children and Youth Program was designed to make sure all homeless children and youth have equal access to the same free and appropriate public education as children and youth who are not homeless. This includes preschool education. State and local educational agencies are required to develop, review and revise policies to remove barriers to the enrollment, attendance and success in school that homeless children and youth may experience. Local educational agencies also must provide homeless children and youth with the opportunity to meet the same challenging state content and state student performance standard.

Every school district must appoint a homeless liaison as part of their Title I funding.   We update this information every year and post on our website for families to use if they are experiencing a homeless episode during the school year. 

Homeless Children and Youth Liason
Mrs. Deborah Yorko
Director of Pupil Services
3880 Ridge Road
Medina, Ohio  44256
330-239-1901, Ext.#1226

Ohio Department of Education Contact
Susannah Wayland
State Homeless Education Coordinator