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EL Staffing and Resources

The Highland Local Schools ensures that staff have the qualifications necessary to implement the tutoring services for EL students. The State of Ohio has established standards for obtaining valid TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) endorsements. This will provide trained personnel and consistent instruction.


  • Assist in the development, implementation, and revision of EL services.
  • Provide content instruction and language development as needed.
  • Meet with the regular classroom teacher to determine the needs of EL students in the classroom
  • Teach basic survival skills to the most limited English proficient students.
  • Inform staff about culture and language background of the EL students and their families.
  • Identify, assess, place, schedule, teach and counsel each EL student.
  • Select, adapt, and develop instructional materials.
  • Establish and maintain communication with parents/guardians of EL students.
  • Prepare for and participate in Parent/Teacher and IAT (Intervention Assistance Team) conferences.
  • Maintain records of each EL student.


  • Assist in the development, implementation, and revision of EL services.
  • Determine program goals, oversee program evaluation, and use data for future program improvement.
  • Prepare appropriate reports and maintain student records.
  • Remain current in instructional and legal issues.


  • Collaborates with the EL tutor to determine how content and assessments can be modified.
  • Demonstrates an awareness of culture and language background of EL students.
  • Monitors student performance and reports students progress to EL tutor.

The Highland Local Schools will provide the resources necessary to support EL services, including instructional materials, equipment, professional development and testing materials.

LINK:  Criteria for Selection of Instructional Materials