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Office of the Treasurer

Board of Education Office
3880 Ridge Road, Medina, OH 44256
Phone Numbers: 330-239-1901, 330-278-2727, 330-686-1901


  • Mr. Neil Barnes, CPA, Treasurer, ext. 1222:
  • Mrs. Kay Makishi, Payroll/Benefits, ext. 1223:
  • Mrs. Shenan Jones, Accounts Payable, ext. 1220:
  • Mrs. Christine Medwid, Receipts/Banking/Inventory, ext. 1240:

The Treasurer serves as the Chief Financial Officer of the District and reports directly to the Highland Local School District Board of Education. The Treasurer oversees all fiscal operations of the District including, but not limited to, preparation of annual budgets, five-year forecasts, monthly financial reports, payroll, accounting, banking, investing, debt, risk management, and capital asset inventory.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact the Treasurer’s Office.

Five-Year Forecast
Consistent with Ohio Administrative Code 3301-92-04, the Highland Local School District submits a five-year forecast to the Ohio Department of Education following Board of Education approval at least twice per fiscal year in November and May. The Treasurer monitors the five-year forecast and updates it as appropriate for changes that may occur. 

Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
For the 24th consecutive year, the Highland Local School District has been awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for its annual comprehensive financial report (ACFR). This award is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by the District and its management.

Public Records