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Highland Technology Department

The Highland Local Schools Technology Department believes that technology is a resource that enhances the teaching and learning experience. Our goal is to provide students and teachers with the tools needed to efficiently and effectively operate. It is the vision of the department to create an environment where students, teachers and staff have safe, secure and reliable access to technology that fosters creativity, critical-thinking and higher learning.

Our main support server can be found at

Technology Staff:
Located in Highland High School (lower level). 
4150 Ridge Road, Medina, OH 44256
Phone Numbers: 330-239-1901, 330-686-1901, 330-278-2727

  • Roger Saffle, Technology Director/Web Accessibility Coordinator, ext. 5500:
  • Gary Scheffer, Network Engineer, ext. 5501:
  • Chris Maher, Technology Technician, ext. 5555:
  • Matthew Earley, Technology Technician, ext. 5502: 
  • Jaimee Moore, Theater Manager ext. 5314:
  • Sheila Bazan, IT Administrative Assistant, ext. 5109:

Approved Online Content

Highland Local Schools has an extensive vetting process used to make sure all online software and apps comply with federal FERPA and COPPA laws. Below you can find information on FERPA, COPPA and CIPA. The navigation menu on the left also has links to our approved software, the vetting process, and to the request form for software review. The requests are evaluated twice a year by our Technology Governance Committee led by Roger Saffle.

Links to the Highland Technology Governance Committee Approval Process Flowchart, Approved Software Letters and Request Form can be found under Tech Links on the right.

Highland Local School District will abide by any applicable regulatory acts including, but not limited to:

(CIPA) Children’s Internet Protection Act -
CIPA requires districts to put measures in place to filter Internet access and other measures to protect students.

(COPPA) Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act - 
COPPA puts special restrictions on software companies about the information they can collect about students under 13. So, students under 13 can't make their own accounts. 

(FERPA) Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act -
FERPA requires that schools have written permission from the parent or guardian in order to release any information from a student's education record.

(HIPAA) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act -
Used to measure and improve the security of health information.

(PCI DSS) Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard - 
This covers the management of payment card data.

(PPRA) Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment - 
Gives parents and minor students’ rights regarding surveys, collection and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams.

FERPA, COPPA and CIPA Summary Information 

More information on COPPA and FERPA can be found at Privacy Technical Assistance Center of the U.S. Department of Education:

Custom Mobile App
Did you know that the Highland Schools has a custom mobile app available for free download? It's true! The app makes it easy for anyone, anywhere to access important news and information related to the Highland Schools. 

  • Android users can download the app in the Google Play Store.
  • iPhone users can visit the App Store.
  • Search for “Highland Local Schools.”
  • Select the app with the district H logo and green background.
  • Subscribe to your child’s school, or if you have multiple children in the district, subscribe to multiple schools.

As always, please feel free to visit our website at If you have suggestions for a revision or improvement, please let us know by emailing Thank you!

Automated Calls
Our automated calling system is used for snow days, emergencies and informational purposes. If you do not want to receive these calls or if you receive a call and do not have a student in our district, please call 330.239.1901, ext. 5109 to be removed from the list.