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Professional Expectations of Student Teachers

Student teaching is a full-time job, and it may represent more work than you have ever encountered in your college career. Except for not appearing on the school’s payroll, you are an employee. You should consider yourself a member of the professional community, and act accordingly.

Attitudes toward Learning

  • Valuing reflective practice and innovation to meet the needs of each learner.
  • Having the ability to reflect on and respond to constructive criticism from cooperating teachers and other school colleagues and administrators.
  • Demonstrating a willingness for continued learning, and openness to new experiences and new perspectives.

Attitudes toward Learners

  • Respectful consideration of individuals.
  • Protecting confidentiality.
  • Sensitivity and respect for differences.

Professional Behavior

  • Making good use of free time.
  • Recognizing that teachers are role models.
  • Upholding standards of professional appearance.
  • Practicing professional behaviors.
  • Punctuality
  • Dependability
  • Preparation

Controversial Issues

You should not use your captive pupil audience as a forum to express your personal views on controversial issues, such as sex education, abortion, politics, religion, etc. Your student teaching assignment is not a vehicle to sway students to your point of view


Source: Warren Wilson College of Education