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About Title 1

Title I is a federally funded educational program that provides support to students. The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.

Highland Local Schools receives federal funding through Title I-A. Each year, the program is reviewed and buildings are reconsidered for participation in Title I.

This year, the funds are used to provide supplemental instruction to students who are in need of assistance in the area of reading in grades K - 2 at qualifying elementary buildings. Our Title I services are for Targeted Assistance, so funds are used for direct instruction to qualifying students.

Students do not apply for participation in this program. All students are considered for Title I based on multiple criteria and selection is made for students of greatest academic need. Parents of students who qualify are asked to participate in the development of a Title I plan for their child with the instructional team. Parents will have ongoing communication with the Title I teacher and participate with the school regarding educational decisions. 

Title I students receive help during school hours. Students' progress is monitored and services are adjusted as needed. 

For questions, please contact Laurie Boedicker, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, 330-239-1901 x1218.

The Federal guidelines for Title I can be found at:

The Highland Board of Education Policy - Title I